Life Insurance
While life insurance does not need to be a part of your estate plan, it has long been a part of estate planning in the U.S. Although there are a handful of types of life insurance plans available today, the simplest, most mentioned, most often purchased and possibly least expensive is Term. It is important to note that Term, however, is right for some, but definitely not right for others. It is not a one size fits all solution. Typically, a life insurance policy is chosen based on the needs and goals of the insured.
That being said, as a consumer, are you aware of the types of life insurance policies available today? Under the umbrellas of Term, Whole Life, and Universal Life, there are at least 10 different plans. Which one is right for you? Well, what would be your goal for owning a policy and do you need one? To answer those questions, understand that in addition to helping to support dependents, your policy can provide an immediate lump sum or periodic payment to pay the deceased debts, funeral expenses, and income or estate taxes.
By first educating you, the client, Wright & Associates, LLC empowers you to make an educated decision. Regarding your and your family’s protection, what keeps you up at night? Contact us today to review and discuss that very question and your options at